Update coming following changes on 12th April 2021.
You can view the Bowls England's Coronavirus Guidance here.
We're pleased to announce that alongside guidance issued by Bowls England and the UK Government we are opening up the green again for bowls play. Following agreement by all club members, we will commence roll-ups and club competitions based on the guidance below.
We're restricting access to the clubhouse and changing rooms, as well as putting some rules of play in place, which you can find below.
As we'll only have 3 rinks available, please contact Andy Tucker of the date and time you would like to play to ensure your rink is not double booked.
Rules around the club:
Only one person should open the changing room, the bowls green, and the bowls store on the green. If the dedicated person is not available all items that are touched should be cleaned with disinfectant spray (available at the club).
Only one person should access the changing room at one time (unless others are of the same household). The door handle should be disinfected before use.
Preferably all bowls and bowls kit should be removed from the changing room to limit access. Kit should be removed using disposable gloves (available at the club).
No more than one person should attend the bar at one time, and drinks should be paid for by card. If card not available, the bar-person must wear gloves to take money and give change. All drink should be consumed outside the club.
Rules on the green:
Only three rinks will be in use at any one time to ensure distance is maintained between players (i.e. rinks 1, 3, 5 or 2, 4, 6).
At this point in time (24th May 2020) only single games should be played on the green.
As with current guidance, players should maintain a distance of 2 metres (6 feet) at all times.
Rules of play:
Each player to use their own jack and only one person is responsible for laying mat (which should be sprayed prior to the game).
Each player must maintain a distance of 2 metres (6 feet) at all times. Stay away from the mat until your opponent has returned to their bowls.
The marker should wear gloves to place jack and pick up the mat. Players should remain 2 metres from the marker if measurement is being made.
Further updates will be released for Pairs and Triples matches when they become available.
We thank you for your patience, and look forward to seeing you on the green soon!